Wishing you Full Strawberry Moon Blessings in fiery Sagittarius with Lunar Eclipse. ( June 5)
June's full moon is also known as Rose Moon, Mead Moon, Honey Moon, Hoeing Moon and Hot Moon. Spiritually, this is a power-packed celestial time: * This full moon represents a time to gather what has been planted.* *Sagittarius energy is one of truth, courage and knowledge. *The eclipse energy amps up intensity in change and revelation. Do you believe the timing of this moon/eclipse? I don't need to tell you there's a lot going on right now for everyone and this full moon heightens the emotions. As we collectively heal from the pandemic and racism issues are being brought out into the light, take some quiet time to pray/meditate and pay attention to what your heart wants you to know and do something that brings you joy. Now more than ever, you need to find the balance between work/play, dark/light, sadness/joy. There is much sadness in our country, our world, at this time and it may sound weird, but you need to find or create moments of joy and love. Yes, joy and love are still there and they need nurturing. You need to know joy and love in order to share joy and love. Remember to find something positive in each day. One lesson that shines out from the "Corona time", is that "little things" aren't so little. Observing "little miracles", like the visit of a hummingbird or butterfly, can help lift your spirits, so in turn, you may be able to lift someone else. As I sit in my garden, my sanctuary through these times, sometimes I cry with grief for what is going on right now. I pray and meditate, too. I also hear whispers of what I need to improve in my own life. I can do better. You can do better. We can all do better. How can we nurture a healthier, more colorful world of equality? How can we shine light and love brighter to make a change? What is your part right now? Don't judge whether it's "enough"! Remember, little things aren't so little. Is your part about marching in protests, sitting home in prayer, or making monetary donations to those in need? I encourage you to use this moon energy and some quiet time to find YOUR truth of action. We are all called as witness to this time of great change. We are all caterpillars cocooning until we morph. You are here for a reason. Shine your light, share your truth, take action for what matters to you. By the light of this full moon, I wish you peace and healing. I will keep holding love, light and prayers for the world and those in need. I will grieve and I will remember to rejoice over something daily, too. I encourage you to nurture the balance in your life, as well. (As always...call on Archangels Haniel and Gabriel, angels of the moon, if you should like extra support at this time spiritually. ) -In love and light, Kristy McAdams www.EnergyOfAngels.com "Moonlight signifies a time when there is hope in darkness, but you have to focus on that hope." -Therese May
![]() "April showers bring May flowers" and so the new month is unfolding. Are you ready for new possibilities to blossom in your life or have you gotten swamped down with April's showers in holding on to what no longer serves you? Did you know? Angel Ambriel is known as the angel of May, mental clarity, learning, focus and harmony. Ambriel also helps with spiritual protection, meditation and enhancing psychic gifts. Call on Angel Ambriel to help you trust your intuition in dealing with others harmoniously. He also can help you connect with your inner wisdom through stillness, when you pray and meditate, so you can see more of the possibilities laying out ahead of you. It's time to blossom! (As for me, this rings so true at this time. It's an unexpected time of blossoming, as things changed so fast. I was happy in my "garden" space, the four , cozy walls of my office. But the Universe threw some extra fertilizer upon my roots, making it a time for growth outside my comfy garden. I can feel my petals starting to unfurl as I lovingly leave behind a lovely cocoon of an office with my friend, Renee, to walk into a new office space of my own for the first time, praying & trusting that it's a new garden of positive abundance.) My new mantra: I trust, I pray, I embrace the flow. I embrace what is, however it shows up . Wishing you new, positive abundance in this time of blooming. May you walk easily, lovingly & comfortably in the flow of life, in the flow of what is in the moment, however that shows up. <3 Namaste - Love,light, shine bright!, Kristy McAdams email: [email protected] www.EnergyOfAngels.com Thought I'd help you kick start your day by bringing ***Archangel Hamaliel*** into your awareness.
Not an angel most people have heard of before, Hamaliel, the angel of August, governs over perseverance , logic, teaching and harvesting. He can help you learn to receive blessings from your efforts. Are you ready to receive positive abundance? Do you recognize that you are special in your own way and have gifts to share? Call in Hamaliel if you would like help in noticing all the gifts that abound in your life this August. Bloom on, Angel peeps! Love, light, shine bright! Kristy McAdams ![]() (This doesn't have to do with angels, but no more hiding! I will say, it helped bring me to awareness of the power of self-love/positivity and therefore, the angels.) I can't believe I'm finally sharing a little bit of my story, but it was time to release it so maybe others can release their story/pain too. Time to celebrate strength and truth! No shame! I was inspired by International Women's Day, back in 3/8/14, to write this post:) CLEARING THE MISTS OF TIME "HI." One word, but so many words unspoken. It had been 25 years since I had heard that voice on the other end of the phone and I didn't recognize the phone number on my cell phone when I picked up the phone. Yet, within seconds of hearing the one word greeting, I knew who was on the phone. He didn't say his name, didn't have to. How does that happen? Like voice recognition deep within cell memory. It was an ex-boyfriend from long ago, when I was a teen and I believed in princes saving princesses in distress. The years rolled back , and I was that young girl again, for a moment. I remembered the good times with my ex (the caller on the phone), when he was like a gallant, dark-haired prince in his black, vintage Camaro with the rainbow pin-striping and I was a funky princess, waiting to be rescued from darkness. Yes, the memories all started coming back to me. Memories of the darkness too... I then realized the date today and its significance to this blast from the past. March 8, International Women's Day, celebrating the strength of women everywhere. March 8, the birthday of the 20 year old man who raped me when I was a 16 year old girl. Why do I remember his birthdate? Why? Like date recognition deep within cell memory. The rapist was an acquaintance whom I had met at a party, 2 weeks prior to the "rape night". He was 20, a college guy, tan, blonde, green-eyed, a soccer-playing All-American kind of male. I was a confused, punk-rocker/metal chick wannabe. My thick black eyeliner and eternally black clothing choices were what I wore to disguise the sensitive artist/hippie chick within. A classic case of never judging books by their covers! Mr. Clean Cut rapes Edgy-Looking Metalhead Chick. No one believed Metal Chick's story. Mr. Clean Cut was so charming to others. Metal Chick stops asking for help and resigns herself at the time to half a life. Mr. Clean Cut rapist was a manipulator/stalker and he was good at it. He wanted to keep me under his control as his girlfriend. I bided my time. I had a plan. I felt trapped and stayed with him for 2 1/2 years, until I could escape out of town to go to college. Part of keeping my sanity at that time in my high school life, was having my secret "Knight in shining Camaro" whom I would sneak out with when I could, away from my stalker, rapist boyfriend, riding around like a princess rescued from her imprisoning tower, if only for a couple of hours. Ahhh, sweet freedom. I remember that feeling like it was yesterday with the wind streaming through my hair as the Camaro drove through the night, reminding me to keep hope and patience for an easy, happy future. It was like I had the White Knight with dark hair and the Black Knight with blonde hair, the yin and the yang, at the same time, balancing out the scales of good and evil, of love and control. All three of us, the Black Knight, the White Knight and the Funky Princess eventually all went our separate ways when I made my escape to the city for college, as I had planned. That's where I met my True Love, who taught me that I was my own Knight in shining armor and helped me learn to love myself first. Enough of that story for now......Fast forward all these years later... Why is all this coming around again in my thoughts now, 3/8/14, with that one phone call, clearing the mists of time? I have a psychologist friend who thinks its because the time has come for me to acknowledge the love in all the darkness of the past and to help hold that thought in my healing of the past thoughts. I wonder if perhaps, the Universe wants me to recognize myself as a strong woman on International Women's Day and to see the strong girl that survived the turmoils of a dark night of the soul. To recognize that there are many women, quietly keeping their story deep within them. I know I am not the only woman to have survived some version of 3 years of molestation in grade school (that's a whole other story!) and date rape as a teen. If I am brave and I share this story today, I speak for quiet women survivors everwhere. The brave women survivors could be your mother, your sister, your friend, your daughter. Maybe their incident happened long ago, lost in the mists of time, yet still in need of healing. Trust me, the years may pass, but the soul looks for clarity and peace to make sense of the senseless. Sometimes this shows up out of the blue; the phone call from the past, a picture on facebook, the doctor visit that brings tears for some reason, the news story of a senseless act. And the mists of time clear, and the memories come back, begging for sorting, crying to be acknowledged. My psychologist friend contends that if it comes back around, it's meant to be dealt with in a healthier way, so one can finally be set free of past turmoil or else it will come around another way, another time to be dealt with again. My prayer, on this day of celebrating the strength of women, is that each woman finds their own Inner Knight and learns to love herself as much as she loves others. I also pray that everyone can look someday and see the love that shines even in the darkest night of the soul, through the mists of time. Love, light and shine bright! Kristy www.energyofangels.com ps- The numerology aspects of the 8 and the 3 is interesting too, since 3/8 is the date of all this clarity. The 3 is about expressing one's self and the eight is about success , prosperity and power. They add up to 11, which is a number of higher purpose. I choose to think that this is a great empowering time to finally let my story out in the hopes that it can somehow empower others. Happy 4th of July! The sun is shining bright and it’s a new moon too!
The New moon in Cancer embraces mothering, loving, feminine energy. Last month’s full moon ushered in an intense time of change so this new moon is a good time to honor family, peace, intuition, health and harmony in a gentle way. Archangel Verchiel is connected to July and helping us to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy summer days, so take time to smell those roses and petunias & feel free to call on Verchiel to be by your side as the summer kicks into full swing. ![]() Hola! What a gorgeous day in the neighborhood, with the sun shining bright and the skies a bright, cerulean blue. It’s a good reminder of the beauty that exists in the world, especially in the wake of the sorrow in Orlando. As we look to remain centered in times of violence, it helps to focus on the love in the world, so we can hold that vibration and keep it radiating outwardly. There’s so much debate right now about gun control, about sexuality, politics, religion and extremists, but if we can just hold on to our prayer, yoga and meditation practices instead of engaging in the heated debates, we can be the peace, the love, that the world needs more of. It’s all perspective. There is good in the world, lots of it. There is peace in the world. Remember the tiny pebble tossed into the pond that ripples waves of vibration outwardly. Be the pebble of hope and peace and spread that good stuff around. :) Sending prayers of peace and healing for all affected by the situation in Orlando. -Kristy McAdams "Be Peace, Peace Be." - Author Unknown Happy New Moon blessings to you! The new moon in Gemini was last night, June 4th (moon energy is strong for about 3 days before and after a lunar event). It’s a great time to honor what you’ve done and to move forward into new adventures. Because it forms a Grand Cross with Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, this new moon also signifies CHANGE and how to navigate it so you can move forward. Whether it’s letting go of the past or dealing with sudden curveballs on the playing field of life, you can always call on Archangel Michael to be by your side for strength and Archangel Zadkiel for emotional healing to keep you steadfast through it all. Archangel Zadkiel is also said to be the Angel of the Gemini sign.
Wishing you easy transformations! -Kristy McAdams |
AuthorKristy McAdams shares tools from her spiritual toolbelt to help others navigate their path. She is an angel channeler, intuitive, medium, artist, author and purveyor of smiles. :) Archives
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