This page is under construction! Adding more angel info! Stay tuned and shine on! :)
ANGELS: Angels are beings of light who are messengers of God and our intercessors. They are a part of life, not religion. Angels are mentioned in Christianity, Judaism and Islam but are also revered in many cultures and other religions as well.
(LEARN MORE ABOUT Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Jophiel by clicking the buttons)
There are 9 choirs (groups/orders) of angels, divided into triads, with specific 'jobs':
1st Triad: They are closest to Source/God and radiate the infinite love of God the strongest. Considered the closest to the spiritual perfection of God.
Seraphim- Responsible for infinite worship of the Lord. The prophet Enoch said that each Seraphim has 6 wings. They help regulate the heavens and the universe. Radiate love.
Cherubim- Known for wisdom, guarding the Tree of Life, and maintaining celestial records. Some say they have 4 wings. Radiate knowledge and watch over romantic love. Portrayed with four faces (1 human/3 animal) and as winged lions until the winged baby portrayal became popular.
Thrones- They administer Divine justice for God and are known as the 'Wheels/Sphere's' of the Chariot of God or the Throne of God. Also known as "the many eyed ones". Connected to pure thoughts.
2nd Triad: Gatekeepers/ Angels of Creation
Virtues- "Angels of Miracles" they are in charge of overseeing the functioning of the universe (sun,moon,planets,stars) and guiding nature on earth.
Powers- "Heavenly Policemen", they maintain the balance of good/evil, guide spirits to Heaven
Dominions/Dominations- They oversee the lower choir of angels and help keep the universe in order.
3rd Triad: They work closely with humankind and work for specific causes
Principalities- Also called "Princes' , caretakers of the earth and all it's nations/people, protect religions
Archangels-They oversee angels/guardian angels
Angels- They help humanity directly-to guide us, protect us.
Just ask for their help and angels and archangels will assist you. But you need to ask!
ANGEL DAYS:Feast Day (Michaelmas) of Saint Michael the Archangel & all angels- Sept.29
Feast of Guardian Angels is October 2nd
Feast Day (Michaelmas) in the Eastern Orthodox Church of Saint Michael the Archangel/ all angels-Nov. 8
Archangel Michael: (aka: Beshter, Mika’il,Sabbathiel, Saint Michael) Archeia: Faith Angel of Courage/Protection and helping with life purpose. Also known as Saint Michael. Archangel Michael is said to be the master of all angels, commander of the heavenly host, viceroy of the heavens. Michael's name means “He Who is like God”
In 1950 he was canonized as Saint Michael, “The Patron Saint of Police Officers”. He is also known as the patron of grocers, lightworkers, sailors and the sick.