Wishing you Full Strawberry Moon Blessings in fiery Sagittarius with Lunar Eclipse. ( June 5)
June's full moon is also known as Rose Moon, Mead Moon, Honey Moon, Hoeing Moon and Hot Moon. Spiritually, this is a power-packed celestial time: * This full moon represents a time to gather what has been planted.* *Sagittarius energy is one of truth, courage and knowledge. *The eclipse energy amps up intensity in change and revelation. Do you believe the timing of this moon/eclipse? I don't need to tell you there's a lot going on right now for everyone and this full moon heightens the emotions. As we collectively heal from the pandemic and racism issues are being brought out into the light, take some quiet time to pray/meditate and pay attention to what your heart wants you to know and do something that brings you joy. Now more than ever, you need to find the balance between work/play, dark/light, sadness/joy. There is much sadness in our country, our world, at this time and it may sound weird, but you need to find or create moments of joy and love. Yes, joy and love are still there and they need nurturing. You need to know joy and love in order to share joy and love. Remember to find something positive in each day. One lesson that shines out from the "Corona time", is that "little things" aren't so little. Observing "little miracles", like the visit of a hummingbird or butterfly, can help lift your spirits, so in turn, you may be able to lift someone else. As I sit in my garden, my sanctuary through these times, sometimes I cry with grief for what is going on right now. I pray and meditate, too. I also hear whispers of what I need to improve in my own life. I can do better. You can do better. We can all do better. How can we nurture a healthier, more colorful world of equality? How can we shine light and love brighter to make a change? What is your part right now? Don't judge whether it's "enough"! Remember, little things aren't so little. Is your part about marching in protests, sitting home in prayer, or making monetary donations to those in need? I encourage you to use this moon energy and some quiet time to find YOUR truth of action. We are all called as witness to this time of great change. We are all caterpillars cocooning until we morph. You are here for a reason. Shine your light, share your truth, take action for what matters to you. By the light of this full moon, I wish you peace and healing. I will keep holding love, light and prayers for the world and those in need. I will grieve and I will remember to rejoice over something daily, too. I encourage you to nurture the balance in your life, as well. (As always...call on Archangels Haniel and Gabriel, angels of the moon, if you should like extra support at this time spiritually. ) -In love and light, Kristy McAdams www.EnergyOfAngels.com "Moonlight signifies a time when there is hope in darkness, but you have to focus on that hope." -Therese May
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AuthorKristy McAdams shares tools from her spiritual toolbelt to help others navigate their path. She is an angel channeler, intuitive, medium, artist, author and purveyor of smiles. :) Archives
June 2020
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